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Thursday, July 19, 2012

No Joke ---Really No Joke In "Christian Humor" Humor OR Religion___Pick.
                         ABOVE is some fraud name Mark Lowry

     still not finished as inserts/expantions NEED to be made: but for 4---as we all are.
---I see: according to this comedic genius: "Mexicans are stupid (even though they know their own language AND part of ours), This guy's (see top link) southern accent/drawl is fake--->YES, I know this to be true, drugs are bad EXCEPT when THEY do them, and from looking at the comments, (clean) is this thing that is ambiguous, but really important to them, then looked at as a great thing---hmmm. ___Compare Brian Regan who has never even said "damn"___likes this makes a difference, but on your own levels I have gone: Ewww.
           Brian is from Florida close to where I have buisness, but I seen him in the 90's and never forgot him and a friend in 2008 @eric (20) years old at time asked me if I knew him. KNOW him? Me, Wait--how do YOU know him (him being 20) Well I found out as Brian had came back. I will admit that he's re-hashing old bits, but his brilliance makes it forgivable. There is NO such thing as "Christian" comedy", or (insert your particular thing) It's either funny--or not. Observational humor pleases us all, so yes I can say this objectivly___
Brian___back in the "day"---
 (see below) Brian Regan not so long ago___ WAY brilliant---

(always with love for the religious--just simply contempt for the ones that know better and hve mansions and are tax free everything___WE pay---
I WOULD pay also---ANYTHING I COULD for something that comforted the (soul) ---but even the most fundamentalist, and really especially the MOST fundamentalist falls under the "thou protest too much" WHY can't we simply ALL acknowledge that we don't know, and immediatly we go from 100 miles out to 1 inch---still not there,...but closer.
I DO understand___I really do. I rack my silly mind to find ways of making this happen in this existence---the only one we really are pretty sure we have.
Again___my issue is with the ones that take advantage of (believing) people.
So I AM MORE than on your side.
i am realistic enough to know that we unfortunatly DO need war---at's not comforting, but I don't let unpleasent facts get in the way of reality.
I depise the armed forces using our kids___
And YES, I do put my money where my words are ---UNICEF, and others that I won't mention---but I don't think there is anything wrong with saying I do---as I heard one day from a long time admirer/friend that since I had a pretty good idea of how much I had given away---well, that diminished it---maybe? I have to accept that. How much had he gave? It just happens to be (zero) No judging-- I leave that to the reader.
I accept any critiques as always (but please make sure you do youself a service and be certain you
have read me well. lemarc (john) here@

john ---(lemarc)

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