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Sunday, October 02, 2011

LeMarc On Books/Reading and SHarris' "The Moral Landscape"

                                             The Moral Landscape, by: Sam Harris
                                    a critique, of sorts: in other words, it's not. Yet is.
               I, myself do not read, -books- per se- and certainly never had any interest whatsoever in anything fiction. -lack of creativity perhaps- This started as what I just assumed was one of my many shortcomings. One thing, and the most interesting to me that I will say for this unusual claim -even to sound as a boast- is that it's given me a different look and now purposefully I do not read nor do 'look-ups' unless it's trivial and I just need something along the lines of  'rote' knowledge.
             How-ever, I write. I always have. I have a taped and/or written everyday account of my existence and my observations, thought's and the like since "officially" 4/01/1986, but as far back as 9/1985 and 1979 before my voice had came to mature, and treasure a 1974 recording that was made of my family during dinner and a video history since 1990 that has made some eyes dilate.
       To stay on the main point: I will say I love as he -SHarris- brings -CHitchens'- 2007 litterary opus much further, and where CH would have liked to have taken it, and tried countless times but had to be down in the trenches (where he can be at his best), but easy to see as he never ceases to not eviscerate the other in debate style, but where he and I agree mostly is in his love for the dialectic.
           He's brilliant, yes, he knows it and is never coy. However (see post "hitchens" and the short of what I want to draw the eye to on some things that (I) feel I see in him and know a great deal about which let me see these things that are worthy of note if you are a active student of human nature -I will make it demonsterable if I can with video clips and just whatever is needed for Mister Christopher.
                                   His ease and command of the English language had me appreciating his reference of 'THobbs' "Leviathan" so much as he himself is taken with THobbs' command of the English language and scripture. I broke my self imposed neat and orderly process: In other words,  I peeked for myself on this one. It's clear why he is taken with THobbs. CHitchens had to be the one to go out and into the masses as this is noble and also to his unashamed delight -put more money in his pocket. That takes away nothing as we all  have to make a living and when fortunate enough to do what you love -and get paid. Well who canfind fault? So, into the masses he went. Seeing people that are still to this day -and no reason to think they won't be intel-fucked and likely be subjected by the 'faithful' to other types of unneeded pain by the religious and the hystericals that are, well in gods hands. After a couple of times doing this when word spreads, his crowds get larger and morefixed on why that that like this Brit~ Christopher begins to become a 'hero' almost a deity of sort in the hearts and now more open minds. Well and good I say.
                                 There is a sect, (isn't there always) that he lost and/or disappointed when he turned a degree and supported the war in Iraq. While I can and have gone into thoughts on war, I'll just say here -
                                                   CALM  YOURSELVES DOWN!
                                          see: posts: "War? OK! Oh, Me fight? Nah"

                                    (BELOW are excerpts from various posts in progress)

            I don't know, but what I DO know is that YOU don't know. I don't pretend to though. I'd like to keep it civil and simply say hush, but a serious and rather loud SHUT THE FUCK UP and PLAY some ball or something would do better. You don't even have to be any good, just PLAY!
             Compete! We do it, moreover- have to compete much of the time anyway. With this, we can enjoy ourselves all in a good and healthy and a positivley terrific sport. That is, (IF) you understand the game which I liken to life itself. I would add that it's soothing when you, as I learned years ago- *(1997) that I had to "learn how to lose". This was not a girl. This was buisness. I was indignant. I was fuming. I was wrong.
                                                     Now, to bring this back to my and a much larger point. Religion is powerless to calm down. Likely, one of the only places religion is held at bay---but it's there never fear. I mean fear. It's going nowhere as we all fear death, so why deny reason? Because reason makes sense but god---'he doth not doeth maketh eveneth frankensense. I play, but don't miss the point.
    .                                         see post "In The Meantime"
I will give the real reasons that we should take advantage of some things and also offer them up to you in a way that you will (my hope is) not walk away from still feeling empty. CH talks how he can't do without art, books<---this I believe, but truth be really told and this is just a point---What Christopher really admires is "Johnny Walker Black Label" Now, I'm light on this---but his whole life (being gay) and funny that I remember him saying somewhere that he used to only have relations with men ---that is, until he started gaining weight and the only ones that would sleep with him were women. Back to the drab, this is why we are losing him though---It's the worlds fault, but it's his responsibility. I am unfortunately likely in the same boat as he because aI too smoke: -but I don't have the whole staff at Johns Hopkins working on it for me-but as a former Fleet street guy, you Christopher became the Robin Hood for the mentally poor.

                              see post on and named "Fault and Responsibility"
     This one incident that extends so far akin to 'losing the battle but winning the war' brings me back to my main point which is: doncha love when girls have all summer to shed those 5-8 lbs and then it cools down and they wear a sweater of some kind. Very kind. Any kind-er and, well you get me.
                            Yes, but what about SHarris and his book you're shouting?
                                    Likely the best book ever written by him that day.
      He's not there, if the word there is the faulty cry, "What's the meaning of all this life?" but he's coming at it from where I do. CH does address this most glaring of sights too even in the 1st chapter, but on this he only references 'John Clare' and his set of "Rural Poems".
    The above small part here is only small in that I haven't posted the finished work on this, but this particular one is why I dare should say - I think we're fucked, but in a way that ---well,...I know I could not have figured something out that is on this large of a scale,---or? And even if I have, I don't know if I would or will say. It's not all that comforting--but -in the meanwhile- we shall carry on as if "nothing to see here" we have things to do. And we do.
                                  ( a 'piece-meal' taste of what's coming)

                                           LeMarc 10/02/2011