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Wednesday, March 07, 2012

The Better Angels Of Ourselves: One Of The Very Few Sayings That Are Worth A Look. From An Anti-Theist:

       ---As a person that just can't wrap his head around the biblical importance, I must admit that: well, 1st, I will let go with the fact I used to like "There, but for the grace of god go I" I couldn't help but notice that something seemed to be tugging at me though, It was as if 'sure, look how fortunate I have been' :and that is taking into account some of my oldest and dearest friends (still are"shits"), but nonetheless friends: that have said to me that if they went through or we're going through what I was going through and all that I have went through, would kill themselves, and can't understand how I could do it. ALL (at those times) that I could answer in response was (you'd be surprised what you're capable of) and I still stick by this.
            Ahh, Grace ---that's where we were at. It seemed like, -although anyone that says this has undoubtably just gone through something or rather almost had to endure something that they can't imagine that they would have wanted to see if they could 'get through' such a thing, and by envoking this saying, are giving all the praise 'upward' but yet I could bare this as it seemed like it was a thing that was rather humble in nature.
                 I ask---How can it be?---it's as if, that you are so -as said "blessed".
             Ok. I can't really argue that you are not. But is it not so so that if indeed you are in fact blessed and looked after in a heavenly way, then the corrally is stuck to it in that others are not.
                                          So why? and Why not?
                  (editors note) I will finish this, but I have been busy: Just trying to remain alive, then trying to want to be alive..Most times it's so easy that I feel I am getting away with something while other times it's as if no one should endure this pain.
            cont...As I type it is 9:15pm Wednesday March 7th, 2012...I will get back to this AND others as soon as I can---but as always, health holds sway in just about all I can think of at present.
                Paz a ti a todos.
        ~ LeMarc (John Freeman)

Sunday, March 04, 2012

New Matilda is NEW again: Mr. Hollier ---(oldie post)

         A snippet
  ---needs to be worked on ---
From New (my response)
John Freeman see ‘Emerson’
It’s a peculiarity I have noted in many people with Hitchens/Harris and Francis Collins' talent. They seem to grow into masters when it comes to thinking but remain adolescents when it comes to feeling.
           With FCollins and for this matter all of the mentioned people and really anyone that knows they have a depth to themselves that seems to seperate them from the average individual. Invariably they go through a phase of thinking that they must have been "given" something and especially in the FColins case, he did it up all the way and had his 'moment'.
You would be a fool if you couldn’t see that he (all named) never confuse Uptopian ideology with real world affairs. At least how the world has become at present.
Hug a tree—Sure. Just make sure you’re not sued for tresexual harrassment…
Meaning…regardless of any linear arguments that curve a bit on him at a given time, he’s so much more “in tune” than even he thinks I bet.
Is he immature–I hope.–so does he as he pulls you in gently, almost seductively. You gladly follow.
Which is what was his intention, -albeit likely an ancillary benefit- as I would suppose, in the 1st place.
Is it really that hard to figure Hitch?
As he says himself, (HOW he thinks is much more interesting than WHAT he thinks)
A quip–What’s more interesting–the destination,..or the knowledge of HOW you arrived there.
Much more important how you go about, than “you went”–You are so much more likely to see more options.
Macro–The difference between a ‘criminal’ and a citizen in good standing are the options one is able to see at or during a given moment. Oh, and you can rest assured or toss about–or just toss–as Hitch does see options. Certainly many more than most scholars even. To us lay people, he just doesn’t have the time. Nor should he. At least at this juncture.
So, Mr. Hollier, as jelous as I am that you can secure a sit down with Christopher Hitchens, and as much as I like your work, I believe that (at least in this one), well, you have missed the point. Although admirably.