Published Posts: cute cuddly kittens abound in here

Monday, April 23, 2012

---Vagueness---or is it?

 ---So now: is just fluff for now? Hey, I LOVE money, but I LOVE being content <---edited as I HATE that word (happy) as it only sets up failure) ***happy*** much more. Doing whatever is within and most times stretching to dangerous levels in my bid to keep trying to give.    (That sentence can sound "meglo",...oh how aware I am of this: I assure you that I, at minimum; rack myself silly before I will post something in my furious attempts to taake what-ever I have ---fail at times or wish I would have did it better? Of course...but how beautiful it is when it flows when  that fire is cooking just so: The "beauty" I refer to isn't in (to me) writing pretty...C.S. Lewis "Mere Christianity" is a beautiful example of the Engligh language then in to writing: How-ever It seemed circular: A specific debate  @Oxford) with I forget at this moment) comes to mind: inthat he was brilliant/natural beauty/ and I, at time started to wonder on this specific motion: meaning I felt being lured: and I was,...but at end of this symphony: I concluded so quick ---nothing: In the values I hold dear...and apalling to me because of how important this was on. The other (X)---decimated. And yes, it was a GO_ GO_ GO_ moment: and you just know that (while this particulaar person is a master: but not clever to  (win)? ...beautiful in a simple word....truth.
               Truth...We talk of this...(I'm leaving this be except to say: and it sounds -because of how often we use this_ light, yet it IS what is beautiful...

    continued from above:-- my part: how-ever it is, helping the younger generation, and this one and anyone that wants to be free of these fucked up (values). ALL stemming from (confusion) and no surprise that in this instance it is, what-else? (Religion)---but (maybe) both can work? (I can hear you ---especially the ones that have known me decades) I see you. I don't blame you if you did think something like this, "john's been in there too long" YUP !!! Agreed. Still true though. I just wanna be ok health-wise, make my $ with my races, play some baseball and get and this time -keep a sweet little girlfriend to play with while I keep working on my music and go flying a couple or few times per month (preferably in my Aero Commander 114... (Not as expensive as you might think)..Does matter how you think though...Even if I never (pull the trigger and get it, ---I can rent. Oh, I HAD her! 2 months ago. It could not have been a better situation. She's WAITING for me!!! (I) BLEW IT !!! Delicious as could be. Therer IS a god and he fucked with me that night, but to be fair, I NEVER said there wasn't: anyway, she was getting smokes for her mom who worked Saturday night. She gave me her address. It was 3am. I wrote down, but thought I knew where it was anyway. FORGOT that I don't. I don't even know who I am writing to, Maria Mongello my dear ---I'm sorry ---but c'mon ---you were the catylist...but I understand. Peace anyway MM...and WHERE are you LAUREN?
so basically a dull: 'here's my life' post: ---4 now---
 shh ---4 good ones in the basket ---cooking.
 I PROMISE you that vague a I may be, and I am, if you just (and one should never be this blunt),
but if you just 'listen to my ?questions? ---If you notice, (I) don't try to provide the answers,...
 I stress posing the pertinent questions ---
 LeMarc: 4-23-2012

---for laffs, and tears:

wanna laff? 
    ---Actually being told to 'save my stuff' (not make it public) by agency. So now is just fluff for now?Hey, I LOVE money, but I LOVE being happy much more---helping the younger generation, and this one and anyone tha...t wants to be free of these fucked up (values). ALL stemming from (confusion) in this instance it is, what-else (Religion) ---but (maybe) both can work? (I can hear you ---especially the ones that have known me decades) I see you. I don't blame you if you did think something like this, "john's been in there too long" YUP !!! Still true though. I just wanna be ok health-wise, make my $ with my races, play some baseball and get and this time -keep a sweet little girlfriend to play with while I keep working on my music. Oh, I HAD her! 2 months ago. It could not have been a better situation. She's WAITING for me!!! (I) BLEW IT !!! Delicious as could be. Therer IS a god andd he fucked with me that night, but to be fair, I NEVER said there wasn't: anyway, she was getting smokes for her mom who worked Saturday night. She gave me her address. It was 3am. I wrote down, but thought I knew where it was anyway. FORGOT that I don't. I don't even know who I am writing to, Maria Mongello my dear ---I'm sorry ---but c'mon ---you were the catylist...but I understand. Peace anyway MM. and WHERE are you LAUREN?