Published Posts: cute cuddly kittens abound in here

Friday, July 20, 2012

Shouting About Shootings: Who's Not To Blame?

          Responding to a website on Facebook dedicated to assuring people that
                    all the horrow in the world is due to the President:
       ---all you guys are doing is feeding right into the hands of the media (WAIT, read all BEFORE you think you KNOW where this is going) and I hate to see you do this to yourself---the liberals are, yes, nuts and even dangerous to some degree and the tea_party is mostly looking to seperate and most---not all- don't have a clue as to what the founding of this great country, (certainly the concept) of it, is all about---but those are 2 sides---and this is NOT a side v. side matter. This is a circular.
      ---In making a point of fact: Most things are circular:
 Relax---we can hate and rage without taking sides. This is what is wanted by our government ---to have (2 sides) ---keep them fighting. This assures them what they want.

                                     What does anyone want?        
         Power. Money ---sounds a little like the line in the film type thing "Scarface"
   The way they get the power though BEFORE the money (as was the case in the film) is by
                                         pitting us against each other.
 ----I assure you I don't think that this president is pure or perfect---no human is, but I am pretty sure that GWBush wasn't either and he'd likely tell you that. He did what he thought he had to do ---both of them. People put them into office. NOT me. I understand it.  People want to rage. Me too as I hate to see us (I am us) fall into this trap of the "divide and conquer" method that is as old as dirt, but effective nonetheless. All I refer you too is the hystericals in 2008 saying that by 2010  that all our guns will be gone. It's 2012 by my watch. Has this happened? I only offer it up for you to look-.
             You KNOW you KNOW more than me---and always will KNOW.  

                     PS: It I just came out that the gun was purchased legally. 
        ---What are we gonna do now? Ban all LEGAL firearms?
     Remember, I'm part of you and us---but are you (US) ---meaning  to convey that most ALL on here have relatives -still living in many cases- that have come from other parts of the world. I'm at least- always open for any solutions to the situation of the free_flow of illegals.This though would bring into question (somewhere down the line) our own.

                       Again,...are you (our own)? I ask sincerly.
        ---I KNOW we (most) all get off what-ever work/job/ ways of making money and want to hate on something. The president- who-ever it may be at a given point- is thee most ubiquitious person (especially in these days with all our media and ways of communicating) ---as this is also, meaning Facebook) This IS good though.
                          It allows for what our troops are fighting for---it's guised as other things--but at the heart it is about having our own way of life and saying what we feel without fear.
                                 Should I fear? I am human so I have no choice but to have free will as was demanded of me by our creator: Or so that's what some books would have us believe.
            I only say, no ---I suggest---I offer the concept (scary I conceed it can be) to think for yourselves. You will be surrounded by people that have many thoughts as I was ---and some are truly on the mark---and some---well, think for yourselves. Truly, you just do NOT give yourselves enough credit in most matters and assume that you can't figure it out---
                    with love ---john (lemarc)


Thursday, July 19, 2012

No Joke ---Really No Joke In "Christian Humor" Humor OR Religion___Pick.
                         ABOVE is some fraud name Mark Lowry

     still not finished as inserts/expantions NEED to be made: but for 4---as we all are.
---I see: according to this comedic genius: "Mexicans are stupid (even though they know their own language AND part of ours), This guy's (see top link) southern accent/drawl is fake--->YES, I know this to be true, drugs are bad EXCEPT when THEY do them, and from looking at the comments, (clean) is this thing that is ambiguous, but really important to them, then looked at as a great thing---hmmm. ___Compare Brian Regan who has never even said "damn"___likes this makes a difference, but on your own levels I have gone: Ewww.
           Brian is from Florida close to where I have buisness, but I seen him in the 90's and never forgot him and a friend in 2008 @eric (20) years old at time asked me if I knew him. KNOW him? Me, Wait--how do YOU know him (him being 20) Well I found out as Brian had came back. I will admit that he's re-hashing old bits, but his brilliance makes it forgivable. There is NO such thing as "Christian" comedy", or (insert your particular thing) It's either funny--or not. Observational humor pleases us all, so yes I can say this objectivly___
Brian___back in the "day"---
 (see below) Brian Regan not so long ago___ WAY brilliant---

(always with love for the religious--just simply contempt for the ones that know better and hve mansions and are tax free everything___WE pay---
I WOULD pay also---ANYTHING I COULD for something that comforted the (soul) ---but even the most fundamentalist, and really especially the MOST fundamentalist falls under the "thou protest too much" WHY can't we simply ALL acknowledge that we don't know, and immediatly we go from 100 miles out to 1 inch---still not there,...but closer.
I DO understand___I really do. I rack my silly mind to find ways of making this happen in this existence---the only one we really are pretty sure we have.
Again___my issue is with the ones that take advantage of (believing) people.
So I AM MORE than on your side.
i am realistic enough to know that we unfortunatly DO need war---at's not comforting, but I don't let unpleasent facts get in the way of reality.
I depise the armed forces using our kids___
And YES, I do put my money where my words are ---UNICEF, and others that I won't mention---but I don't think there is anything wrong with saying I do---as I heard one day from a long time admirer/friend that since I had a pretty good idea of how much I had given away---well, that diminished it---maybe? I have to accept that. How much had he gave? It just happens to be (zero) No judging-- I leave that to the reader.
I accept any critiques as always (but please make sure you do youself a service and be certain you
have read me well. lemarc (john) here@

john ---(lemarc)

Monday, July 16, 2012

DRUGS: People From 'On High' That Need To Make World Low: To Remain HIGH.


(her) response was
"damn skippy" etc...

BLOW Tis B Me:

As (seems to me) Missing the MUCH larger point that
she almost stumbled on.
 ___Not 'damn skippy' girl. Think about this. 1st, I, myself don't use, but
who cares. It's best to let a civil court decide; (if they can be civil, that is). My "bud" smokes weed. I have in fact tried it in high school and earlier as many as 3 times, and a couple other times later. I mostly laffed my ass off, but I do that without so combine that with the ('paranoia'), and for me it just takes it out of the equation. It never "took",...but that is me! I say "live and let die" (you know I do, you know I do). You will too as/if you mature. Likely you will be mad at me Karrie, but if we are friends (even FB friends), then we can disagree? Think about alcohol...(another that I don't do,..had it---yes. Before though , meaning (prohibition), it was illegal and now the people spoke. usually they (the people are wrong, but in certain cicumstances say: juries, they do a good job. (I) might not think it's the best, but who am I to judge what makes them content. Here I go: and why not, religion does this well. (judge) that is.
---The SHORT on what (I) mean when I say "religion" _to me_ it's anything you do without any thought put into it___now if it's who created etc, a (what came 1st, the chicken or the egg" thing---then fine, ---(I am breezing by this, but lil' by lil' ), but I sincerly do simply said, 'let' people off any hooks that others might put them on, when they are doing it for a living. We all have to do certain things.
now, back to 'Mary Jane's (last) dance'?
--- I DO agree with taking a breath test on the road, as there should be something for weed, a cannibus test. Or the active ingredient which escapes me at the time. Oh, THC. More directly; many people actually do operate better 'on' (comparativly) then when they are 'off' as their tolerance has grown, but a simple test --like with the .08<-check that number) with alcohol would and does let us know when smeone who under their normal drinking --is over THEIR own limits of judgement: As with weed, most people that toke up even would agree that when they are SO high and shouldn't be driving unlike when they are just mellowed out. The difference is tolerance: (Physiologically) ---which you don't seem to grasp. I, myself don't ever want to be "tolerated"---meaning, who are you (Whomever) to judge me and utter (what they think is such a fine trait in themselves), "well, that's poor so and so, and we'll bla blah nah ---<---because that IS what it is---bla fucking nahthing.

Simple enough: Scrumptious food for thought, even makes me get the munchies. :)The above is how with a person such as dear K____, I must couch things
Exhausting, but ok___john @
LeMarc Landean <___What a weirdo___he likely does ALL that stuff, peace/love always,...ya know how he do. Seems blah bla___Right? ok,...DROP THE DOGMA. (easy to say, but how? "Open Your Mind" Do not be scared__I'll walk you through this, (and I am NOT being sarcastic) and while I have respect for RDawkins, I understand when he is "done" with anyone that doesn't want to "open their minds" He is actually respecting the reader enough to say this,__his book is ---well, how I see it__-scholastic basically. Great. Think of it as school. I promise Karrie I wouldn't lead you into anything that leaves you worse off than you were (appreciatedly) candid enough allowing me to know of yourself.  I more than flinch when he likens choosing one's favorite sports team with a god(s),...he has a hard time realizing that this runs deeper. His mind/heart is great---thee search for truth. Although he has zero tolerance for anyone that claims things they can't 'by their very own words/meaning and definition' know. This can't be any more simple. Yet people will still (KNOW). you KNOW it. Unfortunatly I will likely have to stand in judgment of this (court). I just hope they (you) really are my peers you're certainly capable.

"cumming" __why I am still so fuckin "juiced" as I say. REALLY
I am certain it is because fortunatly I have never held the dogmatic views on ANYTHING---Including that statement there---meaning I'm open to the thought that I HAVE not (NEVER). But prerty sure I can say without flinching. I will explain and SHOW you how to be. Or will I?
be nice and open and I will, meaning this:
if I wanted to just take _take _take___well, I wouldn't be (TAKE_ing a chance writing___so, for anyone that TAKES me for ? ___All I am doing is trying to (to the best of my ability) to get you back to YOU. We ALL have hate---we all have love and all in betweeen. See: lemarc's "The better angels of ourselves" somewhere in there.
We love our parents, right? Or we wanted to. Again, I direct you to John Mayers' song "daughters" . When you really understand it, well, there's still the "Are you going to have the grace to execute it? Meaning are you to have it be with your care, but his/her choices? Or as I said, your way, or that proverbial highway?
We have a chance to break the cycle__I refer you to Philip Larkins' "This Be The Verse" . This explains this cycle very well. I, as I said, am not into poetry, but for those that are, it might convey what I am trying for us to avoid beng shackled with. Handing down our own crap to young and any.
Speaking of (this),...this youger generation has a hell of a chance to think___this is much different that even 50 -350 years ago, to different degree's I know, but nurture it (I) say. That's jus* me.
See: lemarc in June? May? "Collective Freekout" ___It CAN be done in this *Time of Now* Will it? john ~ lemarc