Published Posts: cute cuddly kittens abound in here

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

it's CLASS: Radio Free Europe "Calling All Intertransit"? huh

Using ( as my (Writing) whore: As I am knot a writer:
                          Scribble from as early as 1999

Re: Published with permission of john freeman via lemarc landean via John (circa 2002)

I'd change a little___so why? SO PASTE:
   2002__w/2005, (edit---> w/ to my joy,1999 but also I smell, __thankfully bits from 2008, 10, and one or 4 whiffs of 1972, october__and for sure November 75___we do our best, but thankfully because we have no choice but our best, and to edit this would be to edit this...nly where write "edit" I edit. All sticking___but NOT doggy style matic,...I stik because I want to based on re-reads__over and over an...
   EARLY POST__-2002 AND BITS OF 2005
       On Classmates As I simply despise saying (I'm a etc: ___and I like long walks on the bitch s00o___
    ---I could rattle on about why this or how I feel about that, so ya know what, since I can, at least 4 now,...I will---a bit---but what I would like to impart to those who are able to hear, in other words, an open mind, and maybe moreover, an open heart is that we spend the vast majority trying to protect our "hearts". Understandably. So, I will approach these words with the utmost caring and giving that I can give/part with/share. I (think) I can bring it down to a couple or so notes of awareness---Some disclosure before here--- I am not a part of, nor do I follow ANY religion. How-ever it would be silly to deny that there is is a pretty compelling reason to believe that (some ENERGY)---call it what you will, but THEE ~energy~ is just something that I believe should be and is our duty---wheather we want to or not---it is our mission in this form of existance to immerse ourselves in the study of "it". 1) It's ok and I believe almost a bit needed to have some type of faith. However, don't let that get in the way of an actual thought that might lead to a very illuminating converstion. I heard it put very well in a movie (even though I do not like 99% of them), I -do- remember certain things when they have been able to perk my ears up, it was based on Homers' ---The Odessy---Anyone remember O' Brother, Where Art Thou?, it was an ok movie and all, soundtrack hard to beat, but Clooney says and this is out of context of (my) scribble here, but--
-"triumph of the subjective". Girls,...oh you know you are far more guilty of that than men, but on with it...I find it very hard to hold an eye open when a person just (buries their head with that blanket of) -it's Gods will-. I would be denying my very existance if I was to think that there is no type of a GOD(s), but don't ya think GOD would want us to keep evolving?---Ya know, I feel sorry for (EARLY POST__-2002 AND BITS OF 2005) ___LOVELY.
___GOD, or I at least try to take that view---I know how silly that is, but what IF God is in trouble and (can't stop) what seems to be (our) own demise. I guess the popular song "Superman", John Andresek-5 for fighting guy- framed this well-, or injected it artistically about in that as you really -listen- as you hear the song---replace, man, and superman with GOD. See then, if you can have some "sympothy for the---? 2) So, I guess that would bring it all down to this---in my ever ever so modest way is that---EDUCATION & ENERGY---That is why we are here. I don't mean, -go to school- per se, or learn to conserve-in the terms of the (Conservative) party(ies) esp...ok, I'm playin'- with these ideas here,...BUT it IS all about "The education of energy. Those interested I should allow some room in that the struggles of day-to-day life, it (EARLY POST__-2002 AND BITS OF 2005___lOVELY) seems- at the very least delay this, or worse it is never broached. I am trying as well. The best I am able - As we all are? Are we not?
              3) For an EXTREMLY VAST and DEEPLY enlightening look (if you want to see/be burdened/satisfy a curiosity that could lead to an uncomfortable feeling---OK, warnings
given, what is really going on -to the extent we, as the/a collective, can know at this fleeting/instant moment- I will gladly point out, but feel free to drop out here,-----still on board?--- that they should visit a sitea good friend @
His name is Eric, and he is from Texas---about 60 now. I am proud to have known him and exchange e-mails with this ever so increasingly popular pure and REAL genious. (He is his own and
thankfully has a form/vechicle to express himself,---Or I feel that this man would "come loose"---He is, by many standards- NOT (financially_ well off~) Nor does he seek this for his own devices other than for his vehichle (without any real Political agendas' - (I) (really) believe - (through a good understanding of his work. Meaning,...not just my willingness and even hope that he is coming at this from (as pure as he is and able to). Funny though how he deals with his "flaws" as he is not only up front with them, but I have observed him relishing in them---and there-in lies some of his ambition/drive & when mixed with his incredible intelect, to create a stabilizing financial platform so he can obtain/retain his carte ---Blanche---Hmmm,...That means White Carton in French?

        (EARLY POST__-2002 AND BITS OF 2005) ___LIKELY)

  Oui? No?
            I will not be coy as I will just say that I have been ranked in the higher,...lets say -numbers- with regards to IQ, how-ever that and a dime,..welll, that would be 10 cents, BUT,..HE---Alone--- is as I always say THEE (real) genious without even a breath he blows me away, but I come at things differently. I Thank Goodness for this on so many levels---I won't expound on those here yet,...but
I wish for all people to find peace in their life---Even the loves of my very own life, if they were hurt by a person for example, and another person hurt a loved one and another put me in a wheelchair 4-ever, well I wouldn't be so comfortable, and I would be sad/despondent and maybe (if (I) had any say in the matter, want to as we say flip,..end it-, but I still wish that all who have the courage to seek---will find.                                     Though a note on "courage".
I must point out though for people a bit uneasy, maybe even fearful of self-awareness-surroundings, that one of my favorite movie people is Johnny Depp. He sort of recently was in a movie, "The Libertine", and I am sure someone said it before me and 20,000,000 years ago etc, but I had came to the realization that "it takes courage to be a coward" long ago. Although, here---I do not find nobility, or anthing other than "fear" at the heart of not willing to look---at the branches to this---but I will try to stay on point,...I then hear him utter this in the movie, (about courage) and I did get a bit of the ole' shivers. While I'm sure Depp is keenly aware, and seems to be a very (at peace) person, but who-ever actully WROTE the line FOR him I would like to meet.
                  Well, thank yourselves for being human and just give THIS a thought also...try, really MAKE THE EFFORT to see yourself as "a citizen of the world"---It does not mean ALL things will be better---just the importance you place on a given (struggle).
                                                   What I just reffered to can really be a torch shining bright in that sea of CHAOS and AWE that we look each night at, but that (torch) might help us to SEE. No philo there, just thoughts. There is a difference---Peace out.
                  I always wanted to be a grown-up when I grew up. My family and friends thought that was a thing called an idea. As it turns out, they were my family. Don't take it all so serious!
              I Thank you. (EARLY POST__-2002 AND BITS OF 2005)___lovely.
Oh, and thank you to all for the feedback & you CAN continue to e-mail me---I welcome any and/or all (thought) on....Well (thought)---I ASK all/any to leave any possible knee-jerking to the wind. Pause, take a deep breath and engage me--- As I have promised I reveal no names here that do not wish. -Johnny
          and yes, the spelling mistakes are contrived so as I am not seen as a pomp###...ass an dick!
                I love youz peepz,...but damb, stop beeping at me when I make a turn or change lanes incoreckly,...I KNOW I did it, so you beeping at me is a waste of energy...Actually it's not. It's just (silly---john). (2002 w/ a splash of 2005) ___blissfully.

Monday, June 04, 2012

"Not ***just** Clarice" ___ ...shhh___gentle----

___using my FB  page as online notes__
                 need 2b more literal..."jus)* a bit___
‎___"I'd say yes, but thankfully__at present: we can
only know SO MUCH. ___ <---how do you interpret this?
OK..1st___prime...let's get it out there; Meaning the quik (good) comebacks in that: A: "The loon b) The maniacal rantings of a ? -insert here...ok...I don't reject any of this. I can't...
--shhh--I can. <--but ignore this --->see below...
HOW do you (receive)? this...
... Oh, and (C) See: ALL OF THE ABOVE: is not *just* an option.
once you really (get) that there is no 'just''s always something. What tho-- I mean HOW:
spit at him...
but---then ON with it___
w/ luv"
Hey My Fellow Freeky Deeky Little Monkeys, ---Pull, Hush And Come (UP) & Let's All Try To Fix This Bitch. Well, We'll Give It A Go Anyway. My Underwear Smells Too At Time's... ---So I don't Wear Any. Solved. See? Let's See If You Do. --...
· · · 4 minutes ago ·