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Saturday, October 15, 2011

Humanities Biblical Reveloution +++ Past And Pass on The good Book:

Humanities Biblical Reveloution +++
Past And Pass on The good Book:

a slight edition was added 10/15/2011 @3am

---10/15/2011 around 3am ---that for the religious to get all indignant on you is a show of what CH reference to KMarx in his critique of Hagels' "Philosophy Of Right" ---"religious distress is" etc...
---Well, I think it can be put even better and more practical, still likely in vein, but this might be worth posting. It really might even illuminate some % of the nuts, to possibly even help the step to alleviate --->.that when they are most in your face- it's because God, Bible etc... have let them down such and so much (and even with this general and sometimes pinpoint accuracy of their dissapointment---that to hear another talk in any type of a way that undermines what to them is taken personal) that they feel so hurt from that, and comes to their subconcious and to a point- their concious effort to maybe FINALLY get God to help relieve their plight, woe etc,..,with a "standing up for"--- as in "see, I'm stilll on your side, and defended you again,..How about NOW god"?
 NOTE: 10/25/2011: Just seen "movie" type thing "Sunset Limited" ---(above) blurb -to me- smacks way close to the cheek of the end of CMcarthty's play when SJackson is distressing on his failure to save TLJones ---it leaves it open as to whether he 'take's' this special express ---but he does ---and we all do inevitably ---but I'll still leave above paragraph there---

              Below is the original work with slight edits made over about a (10) day period.

(This paper) is still in progress and (e)ditions.
It might even be in the form of subractions---as we all are.
~ LeMarc

---"Have you seen her!, somebody pretty foolin'
with her style and ease" Opening lyrical line from "Dance The Night Away"
    ~ VH (1978)

---I'm what you might describe as a (non)- meglo man Dave ~ DLRoth
From the DLetterman show *1986. ---Spoken in his "Diamond Dave" affably
sarcastic sense of, (You either get me or you don't).

---Religions are crude attempts to create a "failure mode" guide to existence on earth (as a philosophy) and simultaneously to assuage the tremendous fear of life and death that is in every
man when confronted with his own impotence. ~ Eric: Texas

        ---Dedicated to all that have been imprisoned by hysterical types that have halted the chance for
one to think for themselves: by someone whom was lucky enough to breakout (2twice -quite literally in 1/83 & 1/85) and see this mental prison from the outside and find a way out due to the inevitably different view this brings.

Written Long Ago, but posted by: John L Freeman (LeMarc Landean)
on Thursday, September 22, 2011 at 11:20pm.

---I can be and I am certain (via the same process that always brings me at 4 when I add 2 + 2) that the bible is the writing of humans. Big deal, seems old and maybe and likely bordering on boring? Well, because it IS an old thought. That -in itself, does not negate that something is at least relevant, but for the matters here: it is crucial to our own survial, much less lifestyle.

---The argueing of religion by what are called -and sometimes they themselves use this title)
(non-believers) or (atheist) vs. the pious (faith full of it)- in which the whole affair is centered around the scutinazation of the bible and it's contradictory passages, cruelties and unmerciful suffering seems to be going in circles at times somewhat like argueing the color blue- but this was indeed necasary.
                         Point of above few sentences is that (people might say, (faith based)---some even, very thoughtful, knowledgeable religious apologists), here I must note FTurek, the religious people's best most inteligent speakers-debators, that "of course silly, we don't believe in a man with a white beard, etc; anymore" any (MORE) --- REALLY?
                                         ---(Moving on from that garbage) ---
                       This at the least brings this fight to the forefront and is essence the opening salvo for the real blood to come. Maybe the only time where I, myself would agree with the old 'bloodletting' medical healing technique in that it actually metaphorically and in some cases practicality would and will do us well.

---How-ever there are still a large portion of thoughtful people -on either side- (I do not say both)
as these are not and can not, -I intend to and will show why, and not just dole out this side and the other- which you'll soon see is what is at least one of, and likely a very, blatant side effect (that I call it) from this old and now very easily cured ailment/sickness of the sort that I am trying to alleviate. Or, in other, more direct words -never should be put on equal ground- and is where I still see, in the time of now- (seperate post) "Time of NOW" ---SOON--- with all of our knowledge and even almost curious rapid advances in wisdom- people still, that have a knee-jerk reaction as to claim that this does not have any place anymore (the debating of bible verses) and everyone is already aware of this. This type of a calling out used to be reserved for the biblical debates. A deeper look though and these same people would see that this is and was the needed step to a more provacative and enlightening dialectic. I, myself ---like where SHarris is taking it..."The Moral Landscape" 1 of now, 3 books I HAVE actually read...Well ---listened to.

---Now, there can be no doubt on this as billions have been crippled in their thought by past and very frighteningly present generations. (and to make fun of a cripple whether it's of a physical type, or -and this seems even more heinous) the mental kind, is even by the -2nd most abject of creatures, frowned upon to put it lightly.

---We are at a point in our history (and that can and should be a point of discussion on why all this, -now?) -and: -I am not referring to the veracity of bible verses) and our time where surely it must be simply enough conceeded as self evident and the need becomes as always, or rather should always be to advance (past) this with a slight but important type of course correction. All of these points should be up and running, one might assume.
                            ---I ask, are they?

---It does -in some views, seem like an old, exhausted and boring discussion. Only though if one is not paying attention to the blatently obvious. Indeed it -to the extent of merely time- is all of these. One thought that should keep leading to flushing out and shining a spotlight on this fallacious, albeit majoritive way that people go about their life and while most do not really take the scriptures so very serious. I , myself wouldn't try to tell them this.

---How-ever that should never be forgot and or let back in -as those doors are, if not closing now- should be swinging shut and abandoned where Linus left his trusty but hole riddled blanket. It does, at a glance, even at an intense glare- seem like this should be followed by the oldest question, "Well then what the hell is it all about"?

---All we know to be true on this, is that we will never ever know by means of closing the eye. To be so obstenate that a refusal to be more aware of anything as critical to our own survival would just be to give up all: which religion is very adept with and to the point of even boasting this intrinsic and damaging non effort (Unless you disagree with it) Then my fellow brethern, (Religion ROARS).

---There is nothing one can say except what is self evident: Religion is Mans (constant) attempt to control Man. It is, as is said: combining to maxims of both solipcism and servility, and these can't co-exist by their very definition: This has been honed to be this way as it is a self sealing, beyond reproach tactic. It has to be this because it has always been "under attack"--even from the one's that profess the belief. Even with the most Fundamentalist, this does not go as deep as they would desperatly want you to believe. It, because it is so fantasmal HAS to be of the sort that keeps needing re-inforcement. In brief to on that, I am referring to the so called, "miracles" etc,...

---However, another look and it is STILL doubted fervantly that it is made by Man. This MUST be fought. I can't nor would say/claim that there is no type of god. Not because of an attempt to be overly polite or anything other than for the simplest of reasons that still escapes more people than even I thought: and it's mighty answer is, I (can't) know this. What I am sure of is neither can you. 

---IF- thought about, - just in the slightest way- Would we really want these types of gods? Well, it (seems) that we don't have a choice in this -in other words-, I believe that it IS just what we see -for the part I speak of here- granted we are bound to see more and more), but when the earliest of creatures seen what amounted to be mundane horror as something everyday as another creature being mutilated, we naturally tried to find reason for this and voila! Enter gods. Later, the people in power (whether it was the tribe leader in some part of the world, to the King in quite another) mostly knew that they couldn't (really) know, so they needed something to control the people. Enter religion.

                                                     CRITICAL point:
~ THEE biggest (whether there are many or one or no gods) reason that religion is held so fierce, but not really, is that it "preys" on the youngest and is infested, and infected in us before we have reached any age that would permit what would be called reasoning. ANYTHING that asks you to suspend your own individual reasoning is by definition going to 'take you on a ride' This it seems to me is it's biggest tell). Now, this ride could be self-induced, and if so, as with drugs. That, I save for other papers, but I will just say that a deliquate amount of self-delusion is really not so bad for us in itself, and to bring it full forward---it does in fact help us cope. How-ever, the difference with being able to choose 'when' you want to suspend disbelief is all about making a decision. You'll see though that at the earliest of ages this is forbidden. For this reason alone, we should, apart from many other qualms, and at the very least suspect it.

---I, myself could have many reasons to believe in some type of god based on certain experiences in my life, but ALL I can really say (as of now) is that they were/are coincidences. Thus, (for what-ever reason we are here) we should use what time we have here -in the only life we know we have- for what agian seems clear to me, Education and Energy. So, I put it in a simple sentence that I claim for myself, "We are here for the study/education of energy". It sounds simple but not by any means simplistic. This does not rule out love/sex, beauty, empathy, sympathy, ---and the like. I would and do agrue that it opens us up even more to these all can agree beautiful experiences in life. This should, but won't go without mentioning that education---could and does in part extend to (finding out, experiencing the sweetest love and craziest most erotic sex, is there any other? at least worth having? Not by my liking anyway. 

---I would suggest forgiving your parents. It, like religion, can lead to an infinite regression as they can say this is the way they were taught, and their parents can say the same and so on which is analogous to who created god, and who created who which can lead to types of mania's. I've seen it as I am certain you have too even if you haven't been aware of it.

---"This Be The Verse" by (PLarkin) conveys this well if you are of a poetic bent. I am not. Yet I'm moved by the simplicity and lesson these words bring. It leads back to religion which leads back to fear of our own death. Even the seemingly benign smalltalk of, "What do you do"? CAN be extended to (What do you do for a (living)---to stay alive, to NOT die). WE are ALL scared of death. We do ANYTHING to NOT think about it.

                                                    (*) Maybe the most important note on all of what I , (unlike others that I have seen, seem to, at best -gloss over, and at the other end have let me down when they don't even address what seems to be an innate therefore inescapable demand to fill this hole that they so delight in digging) write of this while at all times trying to fill this gap. Even writers to this subject that I have much respect and even affection for in one case. In other, maybe more direct words, ALL of this is taken into account in this paper as I try to not only show these flaws, (which is too easy, but moreover to see that they illuminate very little) but give ways of dealing with the unforcedly admitided  hole this seems to leave in us. (*)

       ---On the parents point, to bring it up to the more present, I would also suggest John Mayers' song "Daughters". Nice song and all, but moreover, the words come to mind: and when put to melody, well, it is beautiful and it needed to be written, especially being a decent albeit modest (ha) musician myself, I wish I could have wrote that. In other words, and I think that you'll 'forgive' the play on these words when I say, "for God's sake, let your children be and let them decide for themselves which way they want to go". If you're keeping them safe: and DO---by all means from indoctrination of really any kind, they'll go through the mental gymnastics (which in itself is a good thing and greatly needed in any of us, but especially in the young) between the obstenate route or the more thoughtful, -which leads to being one that is bound to be sympathtic, kind, considerate, (and much more important, an excellent life learning process) way, well I have faith that it will be the latter and that they can and will be a more happy being for it.

       ---Do you as a parent have the grace though to see your children through this? -either way-?
                             Or will it be your way or that proverbial highway?

----I, myself have a 2nd grade education and have fought and fighting various things, but never have had a struggle with the things that I see many people deal with. But, I've HAD to deal with the results from this mode of thinking that most people have and can unequivically say that it does not do us any good, and more iimportant--it harms us. I am certain, and to borrow a phrase, "it infects us at our core". I mention about my education to the reader because I (believe) that I might have escaped some of the (dogmatic), (much more on this often used, breeezed by word) ways of thought,---or non-thought--- as in the rote type process.

       ---I can be taken the wrong way and put into a little corner of the room as if to not scare people. Yet, I more than speculate to this idea that this little thing in the corner room just might be exactly what people need. (I am people). How-ever, I know I am of the sort that people are sometimes put off by, in that: (How can he know that)? (He's weird), (What's he talking about, and why now?).

---I understand though. I spend basically my whole free-time and for that mattter even my work time chilin, and get a bug to write about things quite often whether I am with company and/or alone or (and girls that have known me can attest to this) even both at the same time. To me the only thing really worth talking about is---the 3 things we're told never to bring up, (at least in polite comapny) Politics, who cares---although I am breezing by this I realize, but religion and sex. I am very firm that tact is so very important, but never in place of bettering someone. If I speak on these things without resorting and/or camouflaging to the idiotic "fukin A, and dee's dems and dos', well the usual knee-jerk reaction is at hand and on display and I sigh and say "wrong crowd" ---learn from it and move. But you see it IS the right crowd. Yes, I am also one that (as I say this example a great deal) comes running out yelling that "I've figured it out! If you add 2 plus 2, you get 4 every time". So, suffice it to say that I am able and/or cursed -depending on your tastes, and my mood -to have this way of thinking. It has it's minuses, but most are just amusing, albeit some are very trying, The plus would be that I can think the way I do. I was purposefully vague there. I used to wish I could just take a pill and turn it off. Now, I look for some type of a pill that could possibly fuel it. Careful and delicate with this as fuel can ignite.

       ---On that, ---as for (fuel)-ing, I do get what I call 'on fire' at times. As you might be able to see I do not much like being coy. I feel it is a mixture of the right (energies) perculating. When I do NOT know something, and that's quite often and if it's -trivial---in the exact sense of that word, well then I don't hesitate to ask. There are at least two key factors to this. The first is simply as the person known as Socarates is well known for: (the beginning of inteligence is knowing how little you do know), and the second is: It's a (win-win) ---like that funny commercial 2011---for all. For instance: You're driving with your girl, you find yourself lost---Well, I just look for someone that looks as if they might know more than me an my where-abouts and ask. Especially if it's a guy with his girl, he feels good because he looks good to his girl for (showing me), and I get there and faster, also it becomes clear to your girl that you are not stubborn and sure enough of yourself that you would ask. On a lighter note, I don't suggest you asking her, "Where do I put my (#@#$)? REALLY? !!!, thanks for showing me honey" You might lose her on that, and really, you should. Might not be fair, but neither is the process of finding a mate to have children.

       ---Can I be fooled/taken, outfoxed? OF COURSE! Clever has it's place but I have always liked and soothed myself with what I came to realize had a name, the dialectic. Clever might go over better in an attempt to win a debate but won't push the thought process needed that will allow growth to actually gain knowedge of whatever you're trying to -figure out' and/or further. That's the real win. As for our fear of death and what could possibly replace the old scriptures that just don't do it--but we turn to them because we feel that need for (something)---well I heard it put better than I can on a series of shows in 1997 called "Understanding" I forget the topic that this particular part was on,...but it ends with "in the end (of all we have gained knowledge of) all we really know that we have is each other". Also, some good lovin goes down easy. --so to speak--


(John Freeman) 9/22/2011
   ~ LeMarc
  'jus sayin' ---

Friday, October 14, 2011

"Sweet Christi"

   by: John ~ LeMarc Landean

            (Freeman) Sciaccia.

   Frannies' kid, but moms' son.


             by: John Freeman on Thursday, August 18, 2011 at 10:07am
   Note: News found from the update of (see bottom) The Billings Gazzette out of Montana:
                 On Wednesday, March 16, 2011, Christi Abar Mustafa Morthland passed away peacefully at her home in Billings. She was always known for her spirited personality and kindness, and caregiving ways for all who knew her. Christi was born in Chicago on May 21, 1964, to Jeri and Natalio Abar, but raised by Jeri and Keith Daniels. Christi is survived by her husband Al and mother Jeri; sister Kelly Wolz, Tracy Weber, Lisa Logan (Chris) and brother Keith Daniels Jr.; nieces Angie, Ashley, Chelsea, Christina; nephews Joshua, Christopher, Natalio; great-nieces and nephews, Marly, Jessica, Josh, Mari, Mya, Jonathon, McKailey, Joshua Jr. She was preceded in death by her grandparents, Buron and Ruby Taylor; her Uncle Bill and Aunt Kat and Aunty Shell. She will be greatly missed for her love, beauty and strength of character. Thank you, Christi, for changing your life to take care of mine and making my life complete. Love, always and forever, Mom. Visitation will be from 6 to 8 p.m. Sunday, March 20, at Michelotti-Sawyers Mortuary. Funeral service will be at 1 p.m. Monday, March 21, at Michelotti-Sawyers. Donations made be made to her husband Al. ---END.

       Written by: ~ LeMarc
                                                   "Sweet (Kristy) Christi"
      To say one is and I, myself am sorry, sick even to lose Christi, I feel all that I can do is descibe what she meant to me and (as the reader will come to see) I don't pull any -punches- nor want to.
                                                            (Her and I)
                   'Sweet Kristy' was lost to me.  (Herein refered to and spelled this way)
      I will effort a real look back at a girl and as I do (on the whole especially when and where I can) using a direct view of the reality of (us). ---not just a sugary sweet nostalgic look back. Although that would still be fitting, as to look back is to see ones own self, and in my case, certainly, -at us (as a couple of kids), but how she 'impacted' or as she said "pushing it" 'entered' my life as I--yes, (impact- is my double entendre, as the other is hers.
          She would like this/that. I'm certain. (How) can (I) be so sure and (know) that?
 Am I just speaking things of a girl that can't reply? Fair Q. I will effort an answer. -not difficult either- Kristy -as I knew her, even as late as 2003 as we re-connected on "", and exchanged phone numbers fast enough and were doing the 'd'ja remember this' right off the bat, well (I) had assumed that my little quip that I was just waiting to say if I had ever re-connected with her would be fun but wndered if she would remember and/or even acknowledge. Well, SHE beat me to the punch-line. Unashamed, not afraid, nor should she have been.
                                     "I haven't washed my finger since" she said.
 Making me want to give her a hug right then/there---but was happy that I had to settle for the laugh.
      We 'played' ---I was 4 then 5 and 6 and 7 as she was 7, then 8, 9 and 10---playing Dr. playing this/that and some other thing. Whatever we called it, (although we didn't have to call it anything).We knew. As if we had 'thee' secret. ---and we did. Laying down many places after we had ran away from the 'others' that we simply figured in all our unabashed certitude "would never understand" as we would say in our fresh young voices, and just simply 'exploring'. I think we were looking for gold or something ---but in no particular rush to find it.
      There are/will be people that, well, would be ignorant if they took this as anything but a fond and lovely reflection on something I wouldn't trade for anything---It's STILL who I am -taking it to a level that makes it simple---Christi was just a girl---This IS true--but with respect to our very special time),...well it JUST needs to be said that is not a 'just'. Sweet sweet Christi---
        We spoke at length in 2003. I was married, but this was different. It was her. (Sweet Christi).
She told me of living in Montana and said kind of sheepishly that she didn't look and/or grow as I would likely remember her, to her mind. (as if she felt the need to apologize before the ?)
"Almost 300 lbs or close enough and only grew to 4' 11" she felt she needed to not only say, but inject forcefully..."Sure sweetie"---I thought to myself. Extending it to "what a great girlfriend to her man" as she was getting married I knew from what she had among other things talked about that it was if, (we likely shouldn't get together as we might pick up where we left off) seemed where she was going, so she must be saying this to me to have me think of her different and to cut me off at the pass as we did indeed also talk of getting together
     Well, she indeed was all these things---she HAD changed. Outside---but yet AND still my 'Sweet Christi'---and yes, dear, to answer your question, "I would still make time to 'play' as you were trying to defuse or not get hurt---no hurting here. Just respect, - and to the extent (big as I have for her) and a heart "Hell fucking yeah, I'd drag out that (toychest---or something) and do it all again" This was "Sweet Christi"---I can still (much to my delight) smell my sweet sweet Christi.
For those that cringe, or bridal or think anything other than this is mine---and hers) reflections. I feel bad for YOU, however, you get it,---and I'll never (for)get it.
           Goodbye honey...johnny...8-18-2011 ---

              Thanks so much to you Kelly, (beautiful sister- as is Tracy, for being
                           thoughtful and letting me know.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Friends And Their Needed Enema's: The Shit That Comes Out

 REG:  RG from Illinois.

                 H(is) -RG- comment to his asking of $10,000 and a job. ---Nothing to be ashamed of and he knows me 26 years and moreover that I have done and do these things for him and others, and I am also likely the only one -that he knows at least, that would not judge, nor make fun of for asking.
       ---at 1st look, it is (completely removed from -our mobile text- discussion) a non sequitur.
 How-ever, looking though at this again, "you win" must mean that there was a "loss" to be had/suffered. If I really (won) -as he (exhaustedly -see my replies to judge for ones self as they are very fair and have letters attesting to my kindness in the matters with giving and not making any deal/show about it) says, then it goes along with the corrollary that someone was subject to lose. Was this a matter of something to (gain) in that as he says that 'I won'...What if I -in his way of saying it- lossed then? What would I have lossed? So, in simple terms Ryan, what did I win?

           More on this soon,  10-28-2011 ---doubt it. ---but 'm tired and need a bit of sleep.
            ---weeks later ---I'm still too tired on this one. It's not logical, so this is emotion from RG acting ---fine in itself---but clear, even vague would be forward progress...too much I am asking though ---
      I know. & Nothing ---
 ~ LeMarc (John Freeman) 10-12-2011

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Roughly Speaking: editing:, ideas,: and their beginnings.

       --->This is/was written a couple/few days later/ago -

                                              My review of a 2-4 hour smattering of idea's that I, at present and at times can't control, nor want to. Wow, -this was bad. Spelling as no where to be foud either. I was tired. My best idea's, and this should be emphasized, my best idea's not for the sake of just having idea's -although this is not a bad thing in itself, but idea's and thought's with attempts at coming to sometimes modest and yes, the occasional rant. Both of which styles I try to stay with the definition of the dialectic. Heaven forbid I slump into a sort of godma smugness and being cheap.  

                      Ok, good -you caught that last line. I'm happy for you.

Over a 2-4 hour on/off period, this is just one of now I can say literally (my speech impediment prevented this) 1000's of note's and unfinished essay type papers---
             If you're looking for a tale of fiction and unicorns and magic trollies, wrong blog,...
                                                     a taste:
       (so, ok, ill post this to show for it's own sake). Although having looked at it now, I have cleaned it up a bit and actually went on a bit more- knew I would though. So did you.
   Remember, it is in ALL of us...There is nothing special (with the way I use this word) about me except that I'm telling you this. A sometimes uncomfortable look look into my -written- think tank, thanks ;)

                                                ALSO---> Very important:
         Although something that I do get, -though more rare now- is the occasional, "well, we just meant it in a good way" ---but because something is meant, -and I do agree that said person likely means what they have said in their version of a "good" way, in a good and well meaning way is not a necasssarry (good and well precept). In fact mostly -of what I refer to in this paper) is actually, and really easily- I argue- a thing that will cause and repeatedly causes harm just exactly because of this often called -good way- approach. One very brief and remedial example I will give: If you push a person off a chair and they fall and break they're (pick a part), well, EVEN though it's meant in a good way, --is this good?

                   It IS how-ever repeated though. It is repeated though. It is rep--- ;)

              If this non-sense came to be true: You know the whole idea that we have that is relativly the same, with some alterations- that we die, say I. Liking this more and more are you? Ok, and I get to these so often called "pearly gates" and pete is there, the saint--- and this concept of god is and was true, ---It would have been and is still the way to go about life. A person of though<---really really forgot the t<---is shaped like a cross so you might be able to forgive me---No one in the world will believe this happened. I really AFTER I PRINTED realized I forgot the (+) <---ironic? After all I was speaking slightly of gods and especialy religion(s).
                             Think of what we have, ---and NO, I disagree with CHitchens, or really I simply do NOT believe him when he talks of his inability to be without the Parthenon. Please Hitch.
             Now, throw in some of your Johnny Walker (Black Label) and well, you can go for minutes on end talking of your admiration for this---but I, without hesitation understand this.
                                       We all have something that keeps us going, wanting to wake up, or we HOPE we do...I have been in both. The former is a much better way to go about life if so fortunate---Money is needed, but not really outside of the bills we are to pay, and a few goodies to keep us busy---in the meantime which is not only one of my favorite songs, but free'd me up as a braincramp came on one time (there are of course many times) - but this in particular I talk about---and this phrase "in the meantime/while acted as a stubborn crossword clue that once you have it opens up a number of other answers. Whereas a religious way to go about the puzzle is to put it down, go to sleep, and wake up with the idiotic notion that this will be soved, for you. You have been relieved of (Your) rsponsibilities. As in the bible,it is a scapegoating mentality to throw the (I'll say) 'negative energy' onto a goat and either kill it, as in what the pious believe is a negative person that questions god, and really unbearable is that they will want death for you if you qestion them on if this is really God's word. If you notice in ANY of my writings, I NEVER have said or even infered that there is, nor can be no God. All I say on this is that we very simply can not know. At least now.
                   Those who say that they not only believe, (as it could be swallowed easier than when it is claimed, and never unfervantly) that they know the 'mind of god' are simply wrong from the start and any serious discusssion is simply to calm said creature and move away slowly.

         idea swirling ---piece meal type read coming up for a bit or 2---so you're warned.
--- (judge) as in "judging" (a person),
--- (either) ----from the beginning (never taught anything- in the definition just inject in to person from the --->
--- (begininng) so blatently obvious how these veiws of a right/wrong concept continues through adulthood and on in to the grave. All the while doing unspeakable damage to peoples lives in this process of a type of trial of a being---that -to reference hitch that alks of SJGould and the "Bougeous Shale"- should have been destroyed and or at least cut off from any sort of chance to grow.
        While Sophleclese did write for "antigone" about her 'revulsion for desecration',  I think upon a knowing look at what this would 'have brought' humanity, -of if you're of the type that is 'keen' on the English (KINGS) Version, -then it would be- "hath wrougth", then I think this would have gave his daughter cause to pause -  Although I know we'd be better off using an English American- not "americana" <---see American or Americana" The difference and why you're life depends on this - not that it's that important anyway ---to be vulgar, but honest.

                                                  Animals, (really anything so that we can lose our subjectiveness) <---word/meaning fine -check if rite,---we act when confronted with something that is uncomfortable to the extent of (as in being human) resorting to animalistis shouts---spews,---so, as an attempt to NOT be human as to be human is to feel, making the point in this way also about our dealing with things we don't understand and there'fore fear,...and becomeanimals -devoid of tact...It's "primal" this word could be enough,  look  for maybe -->or other similar more declarative and presice (as to) sugical? it's natural.and THAT right there could be one step in showing why (natural) is/can not necassarily) a/be a good thing.
   Man: (looking for his bible, finds it and says, whew! I'd be lost without this ---
   Man 2: awww, you're a man of faith are ya son?
   Man: NO, (depending who plays MAN (WFerrel couldn't swear) other well, make it up) I have my etc,...maps, wallet, sex numbers etc,---BAM another of the $100 checks from the late night talk show hosts, (just or fun as $100 is a pair of pants or 59 lives saved, which would YOU pick?
         ---but ALSO things come to me, and I think many people in the (SHOWER), whether they realize it or not---I've said this for 27 years now. As I would start a sentence, and about 4 years after I started prefacing or really beginning to utter something, (I) realized it on my own, and THEN ? (friend) (****), or ? racetrack friend_ said, "Man John, you take a lot of showers and/or you think a lot in the shower"...maybe even 'glen', --not him so much but someone that would know both of us someway---

       The riight way to use a Zippo---include my 'press down' of a seemingly 'used up' older trusty one.

"AND SHIT, AND "YA KNOW WHAT I'M SAYIN" -BLACK PEOPLE ARE KNOWN FOR SAYING. Easy to judge. ---BUT WHY---WELL, I CAN WRITE ON THIS ALSO, --->writing this after I have entered into blog editor: more important, I can shed some light on this and as I say in another piece most of what you'lll find in just a brighter light, but it's the wrong light, ---needs clairifacation.