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Monday, July 23, 2012

Penn State: Children: Educating: Rape: University Life And Religion

___Too many religious hystericals---Proud of an education that 1st, isn't even (in most cases) a real education, and if lucky enough to have few good educators, it seems only by accident. 2nd, What is there to be 'proud' of. Should feel fortunate, and a real educated person does not feel PROUD, they usually feel thankful. The wealthy GIVE and GIVE. What do they get? What? The payoff to say that they went to Penn State, and good seats to some game---ok. This, in itself does not hurt. It, educating needs to be refind if not a complete overhaul. ---Like religion. It might still be needed, but in proper context.
   It's Easy to blame Sandusky and he should be held accountable,  but (gay) people in this day and age, while openings have occcured for them, and while I think this is great, meaning that's another percentage of people feel better about themselves as at the heart of most all things evil: is confusion,
 and the less people "confused" the better off we all are. There is still so much more to do/gain/realize and understand regarding latent homesexuals. I know they don't bother me. There will still be Gays (some, if not most---that will seek solace in things like OVERLY (MAN-ly) (OVER_comphensating) --simply trying to -fit in---
        These things, (raping of children) while terrible, is this really a surprise? Only a little shocked that it took this long---if your're gay, and like males, well, where would YOU seek employment?
                  "It's fun to stay at the WHY" m see:
                    ___HEY !!! Watch your hands Mister!___
           "but you're education son, your future?"
                      "Oh, ok (coach)" ---"you MUST know better"
                   "I do son" Praise the lord"

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