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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

___apologetic press? Apologetics are pressed, yes.
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                              (Below is me)  (john) 
                                           ~ lemarc
     1st___ please forgive punctuation and wrong parathesis <---and spelling, I was too fired up.
                              ___thank goodness___   
        ___to: Barbara Duff ---I will agree with you on one VERY inportant factor---I am NOT nor have (I) ever claimed to be an atheist--It's as silly as Freddy Nee chee saying "God is dead" ---he couldnt know that JUST as the same as a theist claims to know that there is a god, andd 2nd, that he knows what this god want...Both posistions are maladies, but natural. In other words we are born with some degree of this.
___I am, -and I even am pretty sure- (based on simple observations) that EVEN most fundamentalist (if GOD said it's ok to tell me what they really thought) would confess their confusion with the bible stories and their desperatism, and the turmoil they went through due to this was pale in contrast to the weak, short lived comfort I fully conceed it CAN bring. It's sad that this needs a word---and a person that I adored, although mine was a different adoration I had than most of his fans --(mine was more -as always- from the human nature aspect) of CHitchens. His word was perfect ---I will use it with pleasure --> I'm an (Anti-Theist) ---always have been---just never thought there was a word for it. All it means and all (I), me, (only speaking for me) here: is that I am certain that the bible is the work of MAN---Human. As for God or a god,...ora 1st thingy---I used to say something else very similar even as recently as 5 years ago---but I like GCarlin's brothers' take ---"The Big Electron in the Sky" ---
I dont mind AT ALL if someone just says I CHOOSE to believe this or that---but don't be in my face about what god wants---
You have been indoctrinated young missy,...
  All I ever try to do is set one free.
___I have been fortunate ---and my (real mail inbox) and even quick tidbits I get keep me fighting for -well, a woman such a yourself. I agree with that one book title that's on that page.."I don't have enough faith to be an Atheist" Ask OUR Aunt Penny---I sent her a clip of FTurek (author) debating CHitchens---FTurek is imposssible to NOT like. Very smart --Navy man. And silly intel this man posseses.
Hitch wiped the floor with him. How could he not?
I would suggest some stuff for you to read---BUT---
I won't PUSH anything on anyone---but the religious---THEY HAVE TO---you should see my stuff I get...even from the family because I dare to think for myself, I HAD NO choice.
Having said ALL that---remember ---I actually AM (I don't like the word "believer" in this context) pretty damn sure there is a god <---I don't think it minds if I don't capitlize the name we attach to it. can and likely will deepen your faith, and/or make you certain of whatever--but you won't be confused----and THAT is at the heart of most ALL wicked things. ("confusion").
PS: Frank Tureks' "I don't have enough faith to be an atheist" SAYS himself, it's GOOD to have your faith challenged and to be skeptical. You do NOT need me. I never read his book. I watched him. One of the christian peeps best and most inteliigent speakers...
Mrs Barb ---at present: you need a good ****
and a little bit of dropping the dogma---ok...a LOT ---of both...
Actually one -either---will lead to the other---
I PROMISE you...I play---yes, but I could not
be more serious here though.
All the things like the car: WHO made the car?
---MUST be a maker---right---?
well, you like to read right?...ok read RDawkins' "The God Delusion" It (to me) is scholastic, but needed. And you, Mrs Duff are a shining example.
___He puts all the 'tricks" in the spotlight but HITCH had the voice so they sent him out as even (I) will say that Richard has an annoying quality to his voice...but I love the guy because HITCH made millions and RDawkins had the grace to just step back and be ok ---it's as I say CHECK though of course in "if you are honest with yourself,...I mean REALLY makes life easier,...not easy---but why burden yourself with false comfort ---120 years ago--ok,...tolerable to a bit of an extent, but as I write and have sasid, in the time of NOW ---there is much more solace and more substanative and lasting and comfort in the things I am talking about. 
___Barb, NEVER EVER mistake me for a person that doesn't understand why people turn to the bible. I MUST inject this---I didn't need ANYONE to tell me or make
me think this or that, but I don't look down on peeps that a person like say Chitchens has helped. People ALL round the world are in turmoil because the deep, yet not so deep- part of most ESPECIALLY younger generational people are so FKKKN desperate to break free.
It does NOT mean they want to get away from a god or whatever---They want to BE ABLE to have the chance to think for themselves---Many come to god---though likely not the bible.
___your cous...(johnny) LeMarc Landean
~ LeMarc
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